In sports, there is always something to celebrate. The first season of a new franchise. The final year at a longtime venue. Milestone anniversaries. Memorable moments. Beloved individuals.
And Studio Simon is always there to ensure that the branding is equally noteworthy.

Celebrating Scranton/Wilkes-Barre’s 30th anniversary, this commemorative logo visually references the three different names in the franchise’s history: the biplane for Red Barons, pinstripes for Yankees and train/trolley tracks for RailRiders.

Here at Studio Simon, coming up with creative solutions is approached the same way on each and every project: with dogged determination.

AutoZone Park is home to both Minor League Baseball’s Memphis Redbirds and the United Soccer League’s Memphis 901 FC. Memphis is called “The 901” by locals, thus the time on the scoreboard clock featured in the stadium’s 20th season logo reads 9:01. Details, details.